Desalinator sea water
Range SD11/SD21/SD22/SD23
From 5 to 40 m³/day
Very compact unit: excellent compromise between production capacity and footprint, suitable for medium tonnage vessels or land applications: tuna vessels, frigates, offshore service, yachts, hotels, life bases, etc.
Modular: easy installation on existing ships
Standard units come with the following features:
- Feed pump with its strainer
- Sand filter with low filtration speed
- 20µ and 5µ filtration
- High pressure pump
- High rejection membranes
- Automatic flushing at low pressure and high flow
- Cleaning in place
- Salinity control of the water produced
- Re-hardening filter

Capacity given at +/-10% for standard sea water at 25°C and 35g/l.
Power consumption is around 20% less than the installed power.

This application is a good illustration of SLCE watermakers design philosophy (easy to install, easy to operate).
Indeed, this unit, a SD21-404 producing 20m3/24h, has been installed and commissioned by the user himself within half a day on a remote island in the Philippines. Now, the unit operates 8h daily.
Not only does the unit improves the freshwater quality available on the island, it also reduces its cost. In this case, the cost used to be between 25 and 35 USD/m3. With the SD21-404 R/O unit, the cost has dropped as low as 3 USD/m3 (power consumption included).