Applications / Projets

During a trip to the polar zone aboard a JPK 45 FC sailboat, 4 students were able to take advantage of the remarkable performance of the ESW range. In an article in Voile Magazine (Text: Yvan Lazard; Photos: Kahuna Expedition / October 2022), sailors testify to the actual performance of an ESW600 in cold sea […]

Installation on the island of Groix
Last week, we commissioned a seawater desalination unit by reverse osmosis on the island of Groix. This unit will compensate for the extremely low rainfall for several months. Within a month, SLCE watermakers and its partners (Saur, Cise TP, Actemium, Tetis, Sotrama) coordinated by Lorient Agglomeration, have deployed a plant producing between 20 and 22 […]

Installation on Molène island
Yesterday, we commissioned a freshwater production unit on the island of Molène. The installation produces 40,000 L of water per day from seawater. If we are delighted to have been able to provide a solution to the water problem of the island of Molène on short notice, we wish to insist on the importance of […]

Through our distributor Calédonienne des Eaux, we recently delivered and commissioned a 180 tpd freshwater production unit to the archipelago of TUVALU. The equipment integrates an energy recovery devices divided power consumption by 2.5 compared to a classic system.

Recently two of our “unusual” customers met in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean: The ENERGY OBSERVER, a research vessel working on green propulsion The ETARCOS which has for goal, after finishing to cross the Atlantic Ocean, to cross the South Pacific Ocean. The ENERGY OBSERVER is equipped with several watermakers ESW90 (105 L/h) and […]

The secret behind successful commissionings
The result of having every single unit fully checked, in operation with seawater, before shipment from our premises, is a hassle-free commissioning. Once again, it has been the case with the acceptance of the 3 x SLE15-15.5 installed on the new SAGA cruise ship “Spirit of Discovery” built by MEYERWERFT during the first sea trials.

500 m3/d plants commissioning
We recently commissioned 2 plants SLE25 in Cyprus on Dhekelia British Base. Each unit produces 500 m3/d of freshwater from seawater. Because of the integration of an energy recovery device, the power consumption reached is around 3 kWh/m3 only.

On Saturday 21 July our partner UNDA WATER TREATMENT will be exhibiting at the Visserijdagen in Stavoren. An event where you can find everything for those who are interested in old and new maritime industries. Visit our stand between 10:00 and 17:00.

Hotel « Le Barthélémy »
Following the hurricane IRMA that ravaged the island of Saint Barthelemy last year, the reverse-osmosis unit of the hotel “Le Barthélémy” was out of order and irreparable. Located in the basement, the installation of a new skid-mounted unit was impossible. SLCE watermakers has therefore delivered a unit in modules to be assembled on the spot […]

Program of frigate FTI
NAVAL GROUP renewed its confidence in SLCE watermakers by entrusting the design and supply of the reverse-osmsosis watermakers for the future frigates FTI. Each unit, based on the SD22 design, will produce 32m3/24h of freshwater. SLCE watermakers will also supply the hydrophores and the post-treatment subsets including post chlorination and hardness adjustment of the produced […]
My watermaker