Installation on the island of Groix

Last week, we commissioned a seawater desalination unit by reverse osmosis on the island of Groix. This unit will compensate for the extremely low rainfall for several months.
Within a month, SLCE watermakers and its partners (Saur, Cise TP, Actemium, Tetis, Sotrama) coordinated by Lorient Agglomeration, have deployed a plant producing between 20 and 22 m3/h of fresh water from sea water. This unit is equipped with an energy recovery system limiting energy consumption to 3 kWh/m3.
A few weeks ago, it was on the island of Molène that we had a smaller unit installed (1.7 m3/h).
On this occasion, we insisted on the importance of reducing the consumption of fresh water by modifying our habits in order to avoid, as far as possible, the use of such technical solutions which will remain more energy-intensive than the simple treatment of rainwater or river water.
My watermaker